Trade or Bust: Unveiling a Blockchain-based Economic Strategy Game

"Trade or Bust" is more than a game; it's a foray into a blockchain-driven economic cosmos. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a blockchain enthusiast, the gates of this on-chain universe are open. Dive in, strategize, trade, and carve your narrative in the immutable annals of "Trade or Bust".

Trade or Bust: Unveiling a Blockchain-based Economic Strategy Game
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In a digital realm where blockchain technology is blurring the lines between gaming and real-world economics, "Trade or Bust" emerges as a testament to this integration. this game is a fully on-chain economic strategy game where players strategize to survive in a volatile economic market and this is one of the amazing things we are working on at MirrorWorld.


Trade or Burst has four main component that makes up the game which are Map Exploration, Social Arbitrage, Capital Raise and Covert Trade, let's discuss each of these in detail:
  • Capital Raise: Players accumulate assets by borrowing from the bank, laying the financial groundwork for their strategies. It's a delicate balance as failing to pay interest on borrowed assets can lead to elimination.
  • Map Exploration: This feature enables players to traverse the game's economic landscape, interact with others, and adapt to evolving market conditions, enriching the gameplay with a dynamic economic environment.
  • Social Arbitrage: Here, social interactions fuse with economic strategy. Players can engage with others to gain market insights or create advantageous trading scenarios, adding a layer of social dynamics to the economic gameplay.
  • Covert Trade: Covert Trade is the trading arena where negotiations and asset exchanges occur covertly, with prices kept confidential through zk-SNARKs technology. It's a realm of strategy, where shrewd trading can significantly impact a player's standing.

How to win

The main objective of playing any game is to learn and win and "Trade or Burst" is no different, that being said, for you to win in "Trade or Burst" you must rank the highest by accumulating assets in the game and there are 5 different types of assets in the game which are Bitcoin, GPU, Battery, Super Conductor, Gold, Oil
You may want to ask, how do you get assets in the game, well that's simple, you either borrow from the bank or you gain from covert trade:
  • Borrowing from the bank: Players can accrue various asset types like Bitcoin, GPU, Battery Superconductor, Gold, and Oil. The journey to asset accumulation kicks off with a Capital Raise, where players can borrow from the bank. However, every borrowing decision comes with the responsibility of paying interest. Failure to honor these obligations isn’t taken lightly; it leads to elimination from the game.
  • Covert trade: Trading is an integral facet of "Trade or Bust", embodying the essence of economic interaction. The game introduces Covert Trades, a unique feature where trading prices remain confidential, secured through zk-SNARKs technology. This level of privacy not only elevates the trading experience but also mirrors real-world trading scenarios, adding a layer of realism to the digital economy.

Trading Rules

Here are a few rules to keep in mind to ensure that you're playing correctly and also increase your chances of winning:
  • You can only trade with players with the same asset type
  • The trading prices are confidential (Covert Trades)
  • On offers, you must sell or counter-buy at that price
  • You can only trade with players in Map View
remember not to break the rule!

Tech stack

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Trade or Bust" is powered by a robust tech stack that includes CocosCreator for the game engine, HTML/JavaScript/CSS for the front end, and blockchain integration facilitated by latticexyz, MUD V2, and Foundry. This tech foundation ensures a smooth, secure, and captivating gaming experience

Game features

"Trade or Burst" has four main features that make the game unique which are:
  • Multiple Player Online
  • Balanced Game Mechanics
  • Composable Trading Strategies
  • Blockchain Native Design


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"Trade or Burst" is still at its very early stage and we have a lot of plans and ideas to improve the game but we're taking it one step at a time the next thing on our radar is to enhance on-chain gameplay, make ESG marketplace composable and rollout social augmentation.

Press Play

If you're like me, your curiosity is probably on the rise in quest of trying out this new game, then you can start by visiting the GitHub repo here and following the simple instructions in the section, by doing this, you're staying ahead of competitions by being one of the first people to learn about the game, Good luck!


"Trade or Bust" is more than a game; it's a foray into a blockchain-driven economic cosmos. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a blockchain enthusiast, the gates of this on-chain universe are open. Dive in, strategize, trade, and carve your narrative in the immutable annals of "Trade or Bust".

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