How will F2P in Web 3.0 Revolutionize Traditional Mobile Games?

F2P + Blockchain provide cost-effective user aquisition means to all game developers

How will F2P in Web 3.0 Revolutionize Traditional Mobile Games?
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For all gamers, you must have come across the acronym F2P. Do you know what it means and what it represents in crypto gaming? In this article, find out more about F2P and how it will revolutionize web 3.0 games.
F2P has several meanings depending on the person using it and the time applied. For example, shareware developed in the 1990s can refer to as F2P. That means you get free the first pass of a game, and you'll need to pay to get the best part.
Photo by Pandhuya Niking on Unsplash
Photo by Pandhuya Niking on Unsplash
This system was the best choice for all developers who needed to spread their names globally. This shareware allowed penniless gamers to freely play through the first part of the game without meeting challenges.
In the current time, F2P is used to describe something different from the previous one. Although there are free games – with numerous of them perfect for playing – it is referred to as free-to-play. That means that these games are available under the freemium models.

What Is the Freemium Model?

The freemium model formerly meant that you are allowed to access a game for free, but you'll need to offer some payment to progress. For instance, the game is available, but you can play using primary weapons.
Various Game Props in Mirrors Jump
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If you want to sugared top better features of the game, you offer required payments before you are given access. The money you pay for these features is known as micro-transaction. It refers to spending one or less than a dollar to access a particular game feature.
This gaming model was never popular in the gaming world, and its existing examples were negligible. The current freemium model games offer games or free them, allowing you to earn the upgrades as you play by leveling up. Although microtransactions are still features for upgrades, you can avoid them by speeding up your progress as you play. Note that this is a general case, and specific examples may vary.
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash
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For instance, Pokémon Go offers a game and allows you to play. During the session, you catch the Pokémon and earn coins. Instead of waiting for coins to pile up before you access better features, you can use real money to get these coins in promotions or offers in the game.
In Team Fortress 2 - Valve Game – lets you play free. However, they offer loot boxes containing items essential in the game's course for features such as leveling up or accessing better features.
Team Fortress 2 Paid Items
Team Fortress 2 Paid Items
Team Fortress 2 Paid Items
Freemium is an essential feature for both game developers and gamers. For example, gamers can get the game for free while developers get the players. Although there are no initial transactions, they get continuous revenue as gamers stream through the game. The only setback is that this takes a long time to gather more cash compared to the first phase of F2P.

Challenges Facing F2P Games

The revenue stream from the game player encourages dark business practices. The freemium gaming models are interesting, but there is quality space for improvement. F2P games make use of psychological tricks, thus putting the gamer into the skinner box.

What Is a Skinner Box?

A skinner box can be defined as an operant conditioning chamber. This feature was developed in the mid of 20th century by B.F. Skinner – is a professional behaviorist and psychologist.
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Skinner conducted several scientific animal experiments with rats enclosed in boxes with levers. He designed it in that when the rat pushed the lever. It will be rewarded with food pellets.
The rats eventually realized this and will hit the lever to get the food, although sometimes there were no rewards. This meant that shooting the lever was as satisfying as getting the rats' rewards. Find out more about skinners experiments and what it says on this website.
In our case, you are the rat in the F2P game. The game developer has set up several levers throughout the box. You will be interested in playing the game, hoping to find the reward. Eventually, the game became interesting, and although you won't get the tips you expected, the game was still enjoyable. You are like a rat pushing down the lavers, expecting food or rewards to be satisfied. This is the challenge in F2P games cast by some developers.
Photo by Edge2Edge Media on Unsplash
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The Skinner Box and The F2P Games

The sense of satisfaction and excitement after finishing a level and obtaining a gaming feature is the driving force in F2P games. Some games might be more manipulative than others, depending on the developers.
The worst are the mobile games that have flooded the market in Apple’s app store and android's Google play store. These games are numerous, featuring rudimentary gameplay and graphics.
They mostly rely on psychological tricks to keep gamers busy. Gamers are enticed by upgrades that speed up the levels; thus, they are caught up in the play. This trickster type allows developers to experience higher revenue flow than the initial purchase price. The more you are addicted to the game, the higher the revenue to the developer.
It is easy to get addicted to these games. This may be deep to the extent of spending real currency on getting quick features that allow the user to play top the following levels faster. It's good if you can keep away from such games.
However, this stunt is not pulled by low rents mobile games alone. There are other loot boxes from games such as Team Fortress 2 with randomized contents to capture you in it. The games make you spend your cash hoping to find better features – it is addictive like gambling.
Photo by Aidan Howe on Unsplash
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Although not every game developer sets it to be addictive, addiction is human nature. Getting something more and better always makes them interested in something. Continuing with such behavior makes a person addicted and will spend cash to unlock better game features. Although F2P games are good, play responsibly and ensure you don't get caught up.

What Are Web3 Games

Advancements in technology introduce new features that help transform different industries for the better, which is the same for gaming industries. Technology leads to revolution, and now the world is set to web3 revolution.
Web3 gaming is one of the steps in the word process in the web3 revolution. The following factors help you understand web3 gaming and how F2P will help revolutionize it.

What Are the Challenges of Traditional Gaming

Although the gaming industry is significant, a third are limitations that help their progress due to technology. Web3 gaming evolved due to the setback brought by traditional gaming, such as F2P. These challenges help developers focus, thus ensuring the development of web3 gaming is on point. They include

Limits In Trading In-Game Assets

This is the highest limitation in F2P gaming. Gamers can purchase particular gaming offer to unlock features using fiat currency. However, these bought features or assent only apply within the game’s ecosystem.
Characters are limited to 1 game only in traditional F2P model
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Therefore, players cannot trade this in-game asset on another gaming platform beyond the developer’s marketplace. This hindrance provided a significant breakthrough in revolutionizing web3 gaming.

Control Over In-Game Information

One of the setbacks is having traditional gaming as a top contender over web3 gaming in terms of models due to centralization. In F2P gaming, all the game and the gamer details are stored on the developer’s server.
That means the administrators have complete control over the game and related information. This leads to a centralization burden. Moreover, centralization servers are highly vulnerable and don't have quality security on the gamers' data. This allowed developments of web3 gaming where the data servers are decentralized, giving the user many benefits.

True Ownership of In-Game Assets

Apart from the above limitations, gamers in F2P gaming have to experience the effects of control over their gaming assets. There is no actual in-game ownership in F2P gaming.
Web3 gaming f allows gamers or operators to have copyrights to the gaming assets. In traditional gaming (F2P), gamers can only interact with the gaming assets due to the license but don't have true ownership.
Interconnected game worlds enabled by blockchain technology
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All these limitations lead to the evolution of web3 gaming. Web3 gaming was developed to solve all these limitations to allow gamers a smooth experience. Let us learn more about web3 gaming and the key features of its revolution from F2P gaming.

What Are the Features of Web3 Gaming?

With the revolution due to F2P gaming, web3 gaming has essential traits that enhance the overall experience. These features are:

Complete Ownership Control and Easy Transfer of Assets

The main trait of web3 gaming evolved due to the limitation of F2P gaming. The game offers self-sovereignty, meaning the user controls all the game experiences, assets, and other details.
Gamers practice full control of their in-game assets and collectibles through the NFTs service. Moreover, web3 gaming ensures users have full ownership of the assets. For instance, players can transfer their assets and NFTs from the current web3 gaming ecosystem to another.

Transparency And Availability

Web3 gaming features a distributed nature process. You won't have a point of failure like when you are under centralized servers. Users can also give feedback about the game to improve the future version.

Player Centric Experiences

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Top gamers in web3 gaining reveal the new game system and help others thrive to their preferences. The game also offers many rewards to its users, thus allowing them to play seamlessly. For instance, pay-to-earn games reveal how games make out of the games, monetary rewards. Additionally, true ownership emphasizes how players can think about the overall benefits.

The Bottom Line

The limitations of F2P gaming led to the revolution of web3 gaming. Developers work on how to improve these aspects, thus leading to a better gaming ecosystem.
Web3 gaming can provide a high-end experience and transparency to gamers. Moreover, no third-party authorities are involved in the gaming ecosystem due to decentralization.
Users can access high-end data storage features and block minting. Now players don't need to pay to play games. Playing web3 games allows gamers to earn monetary rewards with blockchains and store them in NFTs.
This gaming model was never popular in the gaming world, and its existing examples were negligible. The current freemium model games offer games or free them, allow you to earn the upgrades as you play by leveling up.
Although microtransactions are still features for upgrades, you can avoid them by speeding up your progress as you play. Note that this is a general case, and specific examples may vary.

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