Developer's Weekly Update 2023 #36

A Week's Review of Developer Development

Developer's Weekly Update 2023 #36
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Hello developers! As another week winds down, let's catch up on the advancements and progress we've made. Here's a detailed overview of the week:

1. Preparations for Fully-Onchain Hackathon Submission

Exciting times lie ahead! We're in full preparation mode for our submission to the fully-onchain hackathon. Our team has been working hard to ensure that our project showcases our commitment to leveraging blockchain for groundbreaking solutions.

2. Completion of Aptos Asset Minting Contract Testing

We're proud to announce that testing for the Aptos asset minting contract has been successfully completed. This thorough testing phase ensures that our asset minting process is both efficient and reliable for our users.

3. Ongoing Development of Billing System

Progress on the billing system continues unabated. We're striving to create an intuitive and comprehensive billing platform that offers transparency and ease of use to our community.

4. Release: Swipelux in On-ramp Aggregator

Big news! We've officially released Swipelux as part of our On-ramp Aggregator. This integration widens the scope of our aggregator services, ensuring a richer and more seamless user experience.

5. Continued Work on Sui Auction API

Our development team remains focused on the Sui Auction API, inching closer to completion. Once finalized, this API will streamline auction operations on our platform, enhancing the user experience.
That's a wrap for this week's updates. As we move forward, our goal remains to innovate and deliver top-notch solutions to our developer community. Stay tuned for more news next week, and as always, happy coding!

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