Leveraging Web3 Tools for Successful Mobile Game Marketing

Leveraging Web3 tools is key to successful mobile game marketing, as it allows for targeted audience engagement and incentivized campaigns through blockchain-based rewards and tokens.

Leveraging Web3 Tools for Successful Mobile Game Marketing
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Today, as Web3 technology continues to evolve, various tools and platforms have emerged to help blockchain applications increase user growth and community engagement. Here are four notable Web3 growth tools:


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Galxe is a community growth tool for Web3 applications that provides developers with key user analytics such as active users and user retention rates. Additionally, it offers users a seamless app experience and useful tools such as referral programs to attract more users. According to official data from Galxe, projects using the tool saw an average monthly user growth rate of over 200% from March 2022 to January 2023.

QuestN (Formerly Quest3)

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QuestN is an open game and social platform based on Ethereum that aims to bring more users to Web3 applications. Quest3 uses virtual reality and smart contract technology to allow users to participate in Web3 applications in new ways and earn rewards while enjoying social interactions. According to official data from Quest3, projects using the tool saw an average community growth rate of 53%.


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Cyberconnect is a decentralized social media platform based on blockchain technology that provides users with a decentralized, anonymous social network. Users can freely post AMA voice events, interact with other users, and earn rewards on the platform. According to official data from Cyberconnect, projects using the tool saw an average user growth and community engagement rate of 45%.

Mirror World Smart Platform

Mirror World's Smart Platform is an all-in-one multi-chain development platform that offers various features like in-app marketplaces, NFT management, social authentication, and MPC wallet structure, all with no upfront cost. It helps developers and studios to focus on content and quickly onboard, activate, and convert their users, while staying compliant with App Store and Google Play. With Smart Platform, developers can launch their blockchain applications and start acquire and convert users, generating revenue for real users.
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Mirror World's Smart Platform supports multiple major blockchains and platforms like iOS, Android, Unity, Rust, Javascript and more. Mirror World also offers white-label versions of its solutions, enabling projects to customize their own marketplaces, NFT management, wallets, and social authentication, providing the best user experience and coverage. Overall, Smart Platform by Mirror World has served over 250 project creations since its alpha launch in October 2022, spanning from games, social apps, to NFT launches.
Smart Platform by Mirror World can also provide a range of marketing services to help businesses grow and reach their target audience. These services include:
  • Social media marketing: Mirror World has over 90K social media followers and a community of over 50K gamers. Mirror World can rely on strong community traffic to achieve rapid 0-1 growth for customer games; after the game is launched, it can also lead the game users in the community to try the game.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimizing website content to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic to the website. Mirror World has extensive experience in SEO optimization.
  • Email marketing: Creating and sending newsletters and promotional emails to a targeted list of subscribers to keep them engaged with the brand and drive conversions.
  • Content marketing: Creating valuable and informative content such as blog posts, videos, and infographics to attract and engage with customers. Mirror World has hosted over 100 events and over 30 Twitter Space/AMA's; the average event has over 3,000 interactions and the average AMA has over 800 listeners.
  • Influencer marketing: Collaborating with influencers to promote the brand to their followers and increase brand awareness and credibility.
  • Analytics and reporting: Using data analytics tools to track and measure the performance of marketing campaigns, and provide insights to improve future marketing strategies.
Overall, Smart Platform by Mirror World is an innovative solution that provides developers with the tools and services they need to create and grow their crypto games or applications. With its comprehensive suite of features and marketing services, Smart Platform is a one-stop-shop for all blockchain development and marketing needs.

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Build your application with Mirror World Smart Platform

Read our full deck here. Mirror World Smart Platform now supports EVM-compatible chains!!!
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